In 2014, the company has embarked on an ambitious new business development stage, focused on trusmartTMLED lighting and touch sense products aimed at the home appliance market and trulite TM LED lighting products for cold stores, industrial and commercial lighting sectors.
The company also has a pipeline of target acquisitions, starting with Mainlight Limited, a Stockport-located lighting and electrical services company, who specialise in total lighting and electrical solutions for commercial, industrial and retail premises.
True to our heritage, Trumeter launched the Advanced Panel Meter in the April of 2014, which is a unique product with applications in panel builder, system integrator and numerous OEM markets.
Today, as in 1937, strength and depth in engineering remain our core skills − electronic, mechanical, lighting and custom applications – plus an ability to manufacture high quality products that meet our customers’ demands, delivered by an organisation that has an unwavering commitment to world class customer service.