Allow me to be the first to welcome you to the new Loy Instrument website. There are several new things to take in as you browse the site. You should notice immediately, that the site is designed to focus on Loy Instrument and our commitment to solutions. Is Loy Instrument a product distributor, yes! Is Loy Instrument more concerned with the application and the solving real world pain, absolutely! Our entire focus corporately here at Loy Instrument is based on understanding our Markets and the Applications within each of those Markets. By educating our staff on the Markets and Applications we can in turn provide the right Products to solve real industry problems. We call the approach MAP because it best describes our thought process. Market, Application and Product in that order. Without clearly understanding each step of the way, how can we develop and provide solutions for our customers? How do we do this? By listening to you, by spending years in each of our markets and by understanding that our approach is customized for every application based on industry standards and best practices. We look forward to seeing this blog site develop and grow as the years go by. We encourage your participation and long for your input.
Some of the key items on the new site you will want to take in are:
- The blog. You have obviously already found this but what you need to know is that every week a different employee will be contributing to the blog site. Everyone is looking forward to contributing and being a part of this. There will be focus on applications and services so a little something for everyone. Occasionally I am certain there will be some that are simply for fun. Keep an eye out and enjoy.
- The vendor pages. You will notice that we have a page for each of the vendors that we represent. As vendor specific news is available, this is where we will post updates. Each page has a little bit about each vendor just to let you know who they are.
- Contact us. This is no different than any other company contact us page with the exception that I have left an area for specifics. If you need application assistance or have product questions, use this page to reach out. Feel free to leave as much information as you need to make sure that we are on the same page.
- Social media. You may get a kick out of this one if you know me personally because I do not have Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. I have even gone so far as to take pride in not having them but with that being said, I am a LinkedIn user as well as YouTube. The links will take you to our company pages which do not have a ton on them today but we do intend to expand our presence on both media. Keep checking in as we grow this.
Thank you for logging in and checking out our blog. As I said, it should be a lot of fun to monitor and watch as we evolve and grow this service. If there are any particular topics that you would like to see discussed, use the Contact us page and let us know. We look forward to where this will go.
Welcome to Loy Instrument!
Ken Bradway